Summary of Our Core

Doctrinal Beliefs


We believe in an eternal, uncreated, coequal, all powerful Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ, the Lord. We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord of the universe, the sovereign creator of all things, and the giver and sustainer of all life.

We believe in the death of Jesus on a Roman cross 2,000 years ago and the shedding of His blood as the only way to be saved from the penalty for our sins against God. Christ’s death offered a way for hopeless and helpless mankind to have peace with God. Mankind’s greatest need is to receive God’s forgiveness and have His holy and righteous wrath turned away from them.

We believe that all men from birth are under the condemnation of almighty God and will suffer His eternal wrath unless they repent of their sins and place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

We believe in the death of Jesus, His burial in a tomb, His triumphal resurrection three days later over sin, death and the grave, and His ascension back to heaven.

We believe in the coming Day of Judgment when Jesus will judge the living and the dead.

We believe that the Lord, Jesus Christ is our only Head, and His Word is our only infallible guide for all matters of faith, church life, and daily living. We believe the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God.

We believe the Bible is the holy, infallible, eternal Word of God and that He has providentially preserved His Word in the totality of the Biblical manuscripts.